Blender is a dream come true when you've just finished university and don't have access to all the fancy Autodesk software. Sadly, that also means having to learn a new UI system which can be frustrating and time consuming. I did a bit of shader work in Blender before with the help of the amazing Atahan at Brunel University however 3D modelling was still a mystery to me. Over the course of two evenings I decided to finally learn how to 3D model in Blender using tutor4u's great YouTube tutorials. I ran two tutorials the first evening, creating a 'hello world' style mug and clock. What came out:
Not bad for an evening after work. Lesson learnt: the interface is super easy and in fact, I prefer it over Maya! The next day I decided to 3D model something entirely on my own. A fold-up chair our neighbours had in the garden.
A lot of time was spent squinting from the balcony as I slowly became sunburnt from an unnaturally sunny British evening. Was worth it!